Abstract (English)

                                               IN THE NAME OF ALLAH

Abstract in English

1. Majid Yaran, hamid Mobtaker, Bahram Kazemi , Seyed Reza Tehrani , Mehdi Asmar , Roben Golbari and Fereydoun Mahboudi. identification of leishmania strains prevalent in Iran . Biotechnology Congress , Havana , Cuba .1995.

2. Bahram Kazemi, Ata Ghadiri, Hamid Mobtaker, Roben Golbari and Fereydoun Mahboudi. Species specific DNA probe for differential Identification of L.major and L. tropica. Acta Parasitologica Turcica , vol. 21 (suppl 1) 1997.

3. Bahram Kazem, saed Shahabi, farid Tahvildar-Bideroni. The use of lizard leishmania as leishmania major prevention. Parasitology International 47 ( suppl 1) 1998 , 113-281. 

4- Abolhassan Ahmadiani, Mohammad Javan, Fereshteh Motamedi and Bahram Kazemi, (2003). Effect of chronic inflammatory pain on gene _expression level of beta subunit of inhibitory G betai) in lumbar spinal cord of rat. Physiology and Pharmacology,proteins (G Proceeding of 16 th Iranian Congress of Physiology and Pharmacology, 2003, Tehran, Iran.

5. Behnam Eslami, Bahram Kazemi, Abolfazl Bagheri, Anoosheh Sekhavat. and Mojgan Bandeehpour. Diagnostic value of human telomerase for detection of squamous cell carcinoma in oral smear. 93rd Annual Meeting , united states and Canadian academy of pathology. Modern pathology Vol 17 Supp.1 January 2004. pp 223A. 

6. Anoosheh Sekhavat, Behnam Eslami, Bahram Kazemi.and Sanaz Lavasani. The incidence of Gs  mutation in fibro – Osseous of the jaws using PCR- SSCP method. 93rd Annual Meeting , united states and Canadian academy of pathology. Modern pathology Vol 17 Supp.1 January 2004. pp 232A. 

7. Ahad Zargarizadeh, Mohammad Derakhshani , Hossein Elyasi, Bahram Kazemi and Hosseyn Goudarzi, PCR assay in diagnosis of Helicobacter pylori. 11th International Congress of Infection Disease . 7 march 2004, Mexic. 

8. Gita Eslami, Fatemeh Fallah, Bahram Kazemi, Hossein Goudarzi, Soudabeh Taheri and Alireza Maleki. Detection of cytomegalovirus and helicobacter pylori in atherosclerotic plaques by PCR in patients with coronary artery disease. 11th International Congress of Infection Disease . 7 march 2004, Mexic. 

9. Gita Eslami, Fatemeh Fallah, Mehdi Boutorabi, Bahram Kazemi , Hosseyn Goudarzi and Soodabe Taheri. The prevalence of chlamydia pneumoniae in patients with artry disease. 11th International Congress of Infection Disease . 7 March 2004, Mexic.

10. Nariman Mossafa, Khashayar Mortazavi, Bahram Kazemi, Mojgan Bandehpour and Farzaneh Labibi. The stimulatory effect of bacterial DNA on phagocytic function of human peripheral blood. 12th International Congress of Immunology and 4th Annual Congrass of FOCIS. July 18-20, 2004. Montreel, Canada

11. Farshid Bakhtyari, Nariman Mossafa, Roya Yaraii, Bahram Kazemi and Mojgan Bandehpor. The effect of bacterial CpG motifs from bacterial DNA on macroghage. 12th International Congress of Immunology and 4th Annual Congrass of FOCIS. July 18-20, 2004. Montreel, Canada

12. Hamid Akbarshahi, Nariman Mossafa, Bahram Kazemi and Mojgan Bandehpour. The study of bacterial DNA function on phagocytic activity of peritoneal macrophages from balb/C mice. 12th International Congress of Immunology and 4th Annual Congrass of FOCIS. July 18-20, 2004. Montreel, Canada

13. Bahram Kazemi, Sanaz Khalili Tehrani . Bacterial DNA as a co-adjuvantin in antibody production. 12th International Congress of Immunology and 4th Annual Congrass of FOCIS. July 18-20, 2004. Montreel, Canada

14. Bahram Kazemi , Mohsen Najari, Esmaeil Saneimoghaddam, Mojgan Bandehpour, Negar Seyed and Khojasteh Sharifi. Detection of plasmodium parasites in healthy blood donors. IX European Multicolloquium of Parasitology, Valencia, Spain; 18-23 July 2004. 

15. Bahram Kazemi , Mohammad Reza Nazari Pouya, Mohammad Hassan Heidari, Medi Naderi and Abbas Piryaei. ultrastructural study on Leishmania major and Lizard leishmania promastigotes using transmission electron microscopy. IX European Multicolloquium of Parasitology, Valencia, Spain; 18-23 July 2004. 

16. Homa Hajjaran, Mehdi Mohebali, Mohammad Reza Razavi, Sasan Rezaei , Bahram Kazemi , Mojtabavi J and Hooshmand B. Identification of Leishmania species isolated from human cutaneous leishmaniasis in Mashhad city using a random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD- PCR). IX European Multicolloquium of Parasitology, Valencia, Spain; 18-23 July 2004. 

17. Bahram Kazemi , Fakhrolmolok Yasaee, Mojgan Bandehpour, Negar Seyed, Farid Tahvildar- Bideronii, Maryam Rajabnejad, Mahnaz Mansouri, Soodabeh Givrad, Mona Ghazi and Fahnoosh Doustdar. Comparison of PCR and microscopic method for detection of Trichomonas vaginalis in the urine. IX European Multicolloquium of Parasitology, Valencia, Spain; 18-23 July 2004. 

18. Farrokh Akbari Nakhjavani, Morrowat Taheri Kalani and Bahram Kazemi (2004). Detection of haemophilus influenza type B in cerebrospinal fluid of the suspected meningitis patients by PCR and comparison with culture. The 19th European Workshop on Drug Metabolism (DMW-2004) 

19. Davood D. Moghaddam, Bahram Kazemi, Mojdeh Hakemivala & Parviz Kavakeb (2005). Gene cloning of a P35 antigen of Toxoplasma gondii Rh strain existed in Iran. Society for General Microbiology (UK.) / Society for Medical Microbiology / Norwegian Society for Microbiology/ Norwegian Society for Virology Joint meeting in Bergen 27-30 september 2005.

20. Gita Eslami, Fatemeh Fallah, Hosseyn Goudarzi and Bahram Kazemi (2005). The Detection of Cytomegalovirus and Helicobacter Pylori in Athrosclerotic Plaque in Patients with Coronary Artery Disease (CAD). 7th Word Congress on Inflammation, 20-24 Agust 2005 , Melborn, Australia 

21. Bahram Kazemi., Mohammad Reza Nazari Pouya, mohammad Hassan Heidari., Mehdi Naderi, and Abbas Piryaei.(2005). Ultra structural study on Leishmania major and lizard Leishmania promastigotes: using transmission electron microscope. IX European Multicolloquium of Parasitology – EMOP, 71-76

22. Abolhassan Ahmadiani, Ali Haeri Rohani, Bahram Kazemi, Nayereh Askari , Sarrami R, Abachi M, Edalat R and Fereydoun Mahboudi (2005). Quantitation of the opioid receptors mRNA expression in rat spinal cord using Real- Time PCR and intercalation dyes. The 4th National Iranian Biotechnology Cogress . 15-17 Agu 2005 ,Kerman, Iran. 

23. Hamideh Moravej, Doosti A, Parvaneh Vesal, Behjat Hosseinzadeh, Bahram Kazemi, Adeli A, Gomari H and Fereydoun Mahboudi (2005). Leishmania sp. DNA detecting in cutaneous paraffin embedded block by a novel hemi – nested PCR. The 4th National Iranian Biotechnology Cogress . 15-17 Agu 2005 ,Kerman, Iran.

24. Negar Seyed, Seyed Hossein Hejazi, Bahram Kazemi and Mojgan bandehpour Comparison between Culture and PCR methods for Leishmaniasis detection . 5th national Iranian Congress on parasitic diseases 

25. Bahram Kazemi, Mohammad Reza Nazari Pouya., Mohammad Hassan Heidari , Mehdi Naderi and Abbas Piryaei (1384). Ultra structural study on Leishmania major and lizard Leishmania promastigotes using transmission electron microscope. 5th national Iranian Congress on parasitic diseases

26. Jamileh Nowroozi , Mojdeh Hakemi Vala and Bahram Kazemi (2006). Determination of Distribution of icsA gene and IcsA Protein Bands between Shigella flexneri Isolated from 3 Hospitals from Iran 

27. Masoud Seifi, Bahram Kazemi, Behnam Eslami, Zeinab darwish. Orthodontic-induced root resorption and TGFbeta and IL-1beta genetic expression. 88th IANDR, New Orleans, 21-24 march 2007.

28. Masomeh Nazer, Jamileh Nowroozi, Akbar Mirsalehian, Tahereh Moosavi, Bahram Kazemi, Abolfazl Mehdizadeh, R Falak (2007). Evaluation of Chlamydia trachomatis infection in Iranian normal population. 1th Iranian congress of clinical microbiologym 8-10 may 2007 Shiraz, Iran 

29. Masoumeh Nazer, Bahram Kazemi, Jamileh Nowroozi, Akbar Mirsalehian, Tahereh Moosavi, Abolfazl Mehdizadeh (2007). PCR based omp1 gene of Chlamydia trachomatis in Iranian asympetomatic women. 9th symposium on bacterial genetics and ecology, 23-27 june 2007 Wernigerod, Germany.

30. Maryam Bikhof T, Mojgan Bandehpour, Negar Seyed, Akram Eidi, Fereydoun Azizi, Navid Saadat, Bahram Kazemi (2007). Association between diabetes mellitus type 2 and mutation of insulin receptor gene in persian NIDDM. The 1st Internatinal Congress on Health Genomics & Biotechnology, 24-26 NOV. 2007, summit Meeting congress Hall, Tehran, I.R.Iran. 

31. Elham Razmjou, Mostafa Razaeian, Ali Haghighi, Bijan Farzami, Bahram Kazemi, Tomoyoshi Nozaki (2007). Characterization of entamoeba histolitica recombinant glucosephosphate isomerase enzyme. Iranian congress of Biochemistry & the 2nd International congress of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, October 29 – Novamber 1, 2007. Shiraz, Iran 

32. Solaleh Emamgholipour, Parisa Shabani, Mojgan Bandehpour, Bahram Kazemi, Bahram Yaghmaei (2007). Preparation of mutant form of FVII for gene theraphy of hemophilia. Iranian congress of Biochemistry & the 2nd International congress of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, October 29 – Novamber 1, 2007. Shiraz, Iran 

33. Maryam Bikhof Torbati, Mojgan Bandehpour, Negar Seyed, Akram Eidi, Fereydoun Azizi, Navid saadat, Bahram Kazemi (2007). The first report on mutations of exons 14- 17 from insuline receptor gene in iranian patients with type II diabetes mellitus. Iranian congress of Biochemistry & the 2nd International congress of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, October 29 – Novamber 1, 2007. Shiraz, Iran 

34. Farkhondeh Pouresmaeili, Akram Rouhi, Mahmoud Jedi Tehrani, Eznollah Azargashb, Bahram Kazemi (2007). The study of correlation between osteoprosis And estrogen receptor- alfa gene polymorphism in Iranian Women (2007) Iranian congress of Biochemistry & the 2nd International congress of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, October 29 – Novamber 1, 2007. Shirazm Iran 

35. Roghayeh Alizadeh, Bahram Kazemi, Hossein Hooshyar, Safarali Talari, Mohsen Arbabi, Faegheh Kazemi ( 2007). Detection of mutations in a gene responsible for cutaneous leishmania chemotheraphy. Iranian congress of Biochemistry & the 2nd International congress of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, October 29 – Novamber 1, 2007. Shiraz, Iran 

36. Manoocher Rasouli, Ahmad Zavaran, Bahram Kazemi, Abdolvahab Alborzi, Simin Kiani (2007). Molecular Cloning of GP63 antigen of leishmania major strain MRHO/IRI75/ER. Iranian congress of Biochemistry & the 2nd International congress of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, October 29 – Novamber 1, 2007. shiraz, Iran 

37. Homayoun Naderian, Bahram Kazemi, Antoein de Vries (2007). Transfer of a recombinant murine glucocerebridase gene to HELA cells by lentivirus vector. Iranian congress of Biochemistry & the 2nd International congress of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, October 29 – Novamber 1, 2007. Shiraz, Iran 

38. Mojgan Bandehpour, Elham Ghayoor, Elham Moslemi, Negar Seyed, Leila sakhaei, Maryam Bikhof, Bahram Kazemi, Fereydoun Azizi (2007). The first report on insulin receptor gene mutations in Iranian patients with NIDDM by PCR- CSGE method. Iranian congress of Biochemistry & the 2nd International congress of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, October 29 – Novamber 1, 2007. Shiraz, Iran 

39. Homeira hatami, Shahrbanoo Orya, Abolhassan Ahmadiani, Bahram Kazemi (2007). Effect of morphine on nt-3 gene expression in the nucleus of paragigantocellularis. Iranian congress of Biochemistry & the 2nd International congress of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, October 29 – Novamber 1, 2007. Shiraz, Iran 

40. Leila Maghen, Bahram Kazemi, Mojgan Bandehpour, Mahsa Namakchian (2007)..Molecular cloning of the protein 43 toxoplasma gondii tachuzoite. Iranian congress of Biochemistry & the 2nd International congress of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, October 29 – Novamber 1, 2007. Shiraz, Iran

41. Ali Haghighi, Ehsan Nazemolhosseini Mojarad, Ali Reza Salimi Khorashad, Bahram Kazemi (2008). Prevalence of Entamoeba histolytica and Entamoeba dispar in patients with gastrointestinal disorders in Iran. XVIIth International Congreaa for Tropical medicine and Malaria. September 29- Octeber 3, 2008 International Convention Center Jeju jeju, Korea. 

42- Faeghe Kazemi, Bahram Kazemi, NAHID Hossein zadeh, Mojgan Bandehpour, Hossein Hooshyar, Mohsen Arbabi, Bita Zarikar, Rogheh Alizadeh (2008). Detection of drug resistance gene in trichomonas vaginalis by PCR. The 17th Iranian congress on infection disease and tropical medicine. 20-24 dec. 2008.

43- Farid Tahvildar Biderouni, Abdolhossein Dalimi, Bahram Kazemi, Fatemeh Ghaffari Far (2010). Molecular detection of cryptosporidium sp in human and cattle feces using hsp 70 gene. XIIth International Congress of Parasitology, 16 – 20 Agust 2010, Melborn ,Australia.

44- Sima Rasti, Mitra Behrashi,, A. Fatahian, Bahram Kazemi, Mojgan Bandehpour, A. Talebian, Gholamabbas Mousavi, F. Rahmati (2010). Survey of congenital toxoplasmosis by PCR . XIIth International Congress of Parasitology, 16 – 20 Agust 2010, Melborn ,Australia.

45- Sima Rasti, Ali Haghighi, Bahram Kazemi, Mojgan Bandepour, Hossein Hooshyar, Mostafa Rezaian (2010). Entamoeba dispar: genetic diversity of iranian isolates based on serine- rich entamoeba dispar protein gene. XIIth International Congress of Parasitology, 16 – 20 Agust 2010, Melborn ,Australia.

46- Mostafa Rezaeian, Mansoureh Vatanshenassan, Sasan Rezaie, Mehdi Mohebali, N. Niromand, Bahram Kazemi, Zahra Babaei (2010). Trichomonas vaginalis: investigation of a novel diagnostic method in urine samples using cysteine proteinase 4 gene and pcr technique. XIIth International Congress of Parasitology, 16 – 20 Agust 2010, Melborn ,Australia.

47- Mohammad Reza Mahmoudi, Bahram Kazemi, Ali Haghighi, Mohammad Eftekhar, Niloofar Taghipour, S. Jahantab, Hajar Abedinzadeh (2010). Detection of acanthamoeba and cryptosporidium from surface water in north of Iran . XIIth International Congress of Parasitology, 16 – 20 Agust 2010, Melborn ,Australia.


48- Tavakoli, Bandehpour, Koochaki, Bahram Kazemi (2012). Clioning and expression of recombinant NP protein ofinfluenza H1N1.ranian congress of virology


49- Kheirandish., Chegeni Sharafi , Bahram Kazemi, Mohebali ,Tarahi (2012). Molecular characterization of leishmania species in giemsa-stained slides. 8th NICOPA, 16-18 October 2012, Kerman, Iran

50- Elyasi, Asmar ., Golkar ., Bahram Kazemi. Tavakolafshari. (2012). Diagnosis of toxoplasma infection in pregnantwomen by use of rgra2 protein in an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. 8th NICOPA, 16-18 October 2012, Kerman, Iran


51- Jalallou., Bahram Kazemi, Haghighi , Khazan,  Bandepour (2012). Evaluation of recombinant protein sag1 fordetection of toxoplasma gondii-specific IgG and igm IN ELISA test. 8th NICOPA, 16-18 October 2012, Kerman, Iran.


52- Sezavar , Sharifi, Bahram Kazemi, Davoodi (2012). Comparison  0f the effect of glucantime on the resistance isolates and transfected ptrl antisense on leishmaniatropica, in invitro model.8th NICOPA, 16-18 October 2012, Kerman, Iran.


53- Mohamadiha, Haghighi , Mohebali, Bahram Kazemi, Abadi , Mahdian (2012). Zoonotic visceral leishmaniasis (zvl) is an endemic disease in northwestern iran. Realtime PCR assay is a high sensitivity method.8th NICOPA, 16-18 October 2012, Kerman, Iran.


54- Akhoundi , Mohebali , Shojaee , Jalali . Bahram Kazemi,  Bandehpour, Keshavarz . Edrissian , Eslami , Malekafzali, Charehdar , Kouchaki (2012). Preparation of latex agglutination antigen derived from immunodominant proteins of amastigote and promastigote forms of iranian leishmania infantum strain (mcan/ir/07/moheb1-gh.) and evaluation of them for detection of visceral leishmaniasis in human and dog. 8th NICOPA, 16-18 October 2012, Kerman, Iran.

55- Mahmoudi , Jahantab, Bahram Kazemi (2012). Detection of two important water born parsites (cryptosporidium & giardia) in raw water samples by usepa1623 and PCR methods. 8th NICOPA, 16-18 October 2012, Kerman, Iran.



56- Moosavi , Haghighi , Nazemalhosseini , Alebouyeh , Rafiei Sefid Dashti , Khazan , Bahram Kazemi, Zali (2012). Genetic variability of blastocystis isolated from individuals referred to taleghani hospital (Tehran-Iran). 8th NICOPA, 16-18 October 2012, Kerman, Iran.


57- Heidari , Bahram Kazemi, Seyyed Tabaei , Bandehpour, Valadkhani (2012). The survey on trichomonas vaginalis virus in tehran trichomonas vaginalis isolates. 8th NICOPA, 16-18 October 2012, Kerman, Iran.


58- Maryam Moradi, Behzad HaghPanah, Mojgan Bandepour, Bahram Kazemi, Davoudabadi,  Gholami , Kafshdooz-e-Jabari .(2012). Diagnostic value of kit containing echinococcus granulosus recombinant protein b by elisa method in comparison with the euroimmun kit (2012). 8th NICOPA, 16-18 October 2012, Kerman, Iran.


59- Bahram Kazemi  (2012). Charactristics of leishmania genome. 8th NICOPA, 16-18 October 2012, Kerman, Iran


60- Farid Tahvildar, Abdolhossein Dalimi Asl, Bahram Kazemi (2012). Identification of cryptosporidium andersoni in shahriar calves using 18s rrna gene amplification and pcr-rflp method. 8th NICOPA, 16-18 October 2012, Kerman, Iran


61- Hooshang Khazan1, Ali Rostami1, Bahram Kazemi, Eshrat Beigom Kia3, Nilofar Taghipour1  Seroprevalence of trichinella spp. Infection among at-risk people in Mazandaran province, northern Iran. 3rd international and 10th national congresss of parasitology and parasitic disease of Iran. Shiraz, 1-3 November 2017


62- Vahid Jajarmi, Mojgan Bandehpour, Bahram Kazemi (2013). Thermal control on insulin production in non-beta cells using a heat shock gene promoter. The 5th International Congress of laboratory and clinic Blood disorder, Iranian Scientific Association of Clinical Laboratory, Tehran, Iran; from 15 to 18 January, 2013.


63- Shiva sadat Gheflat, Abdorrahim Sadeghi, Bahram Kazemi, Mojgan Bandehpour (2013). The 5th International Congress of laboratory and clinic Blood disorder, Iranian Scientific Association of Clinical Laboratory, Tehran, Iran; from 15 to 18 January, 2013.



64- Fatemeh Jafarnejad, Mohammad Aminbakhsh, Mojgan Bandehpour, Bahram Kazemi, Ameneh Koochaki, Golnaz Asaadi -Tehrani, Vahidreza Yassaee (2013). Cloning and expression of influenza virus M2 protein in E.coli. The 5th International Congress of laboratory and clinic Blood disorder, Iranian Scientific Association of Clinical Laboratory, Tehran, Iran; from 15 to 18 January, 2013.


65- Mohsen Rahmanian kooshkaki, Mojgan Bandehpour, Bahram Kazemi (2013). simA protein, Acandidate vaccine against streptococcus iniae. The 5th International Congress of laboratory and clinic Blood disorder, Iranian Scientific Association of Clinical Laboratory, Tehran, Iran; from 15 to 18 January, 2013.


66- Mahboobeh Mobarrez, Bahram Kazemi, Mojgan Bandehpour (2013). Fibrinolytic activity of recombinant streptokinase. The 5th International Congress of laboratory and clinic Blood disorder, Iranian Scientific Association of Clinical Laboratory, Tehran, Iran; from 15 to 18 January, 2013.


67- Ali Jebali, Bahram Kazemi, Hekmat Moghaddam,Amir  Zarebkohan, (2011). In vitro study of different nanoparticles toxicity on Leishmania major. Fourth congress on clinic to lab, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.


68- Tavakoli, Bandehpour, Koochaki, Bahram Kazemi (2012). Clioning and expression of recombinant NP protein of influenza H1N1. 6th Iranian Congress of Virology. Tarbiat Modares University- Tehran 17-19 October 2012,


69- Kheirandish., Chegeni Sharafi , Bahram  Kazemi, Mohebali ,Tarahi (2012). Molecular characterization of leishmania species in giemsa-stained slides. 8th NICOPA, 16-18 October 2012, Kerman, Iran


70 Hossein Elyasi,  Mehdi Asmar, Majid Golkar, Bahram  Kazemi. Tavakolafshari. (2012). Diagnosis of toxoplasma infection in pregnant women by use of rgra2 protein in an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. 8th NICOPA, 16-18 October 2012, Kerman, Iran


71- Nahid Jalallou., Bahram  Kazemi, Ali Haghighi, Hooshang  Khazan, Mojgan  Bandepour (2012). Evaluation of recombinant protein sag1 for detection of toxoplasma gondii-specific IgG and igm IN ELISA test. 8th NICOPA, 16-18 October 2012, Kerman, Iran.



72- Mahdieh Sezavar , Iraj Sharifi, Bahram  Kazemi, Nooshin Davoodi (2012). Comparison 0f the effect of glucantime on the resistance isolates and transfected ptrl antisense on leishmaniatropica, in invitro model. 8th NICOPA, 16-18 October 2012, Kerman, Iran.



73- Anita Mohamadiha, Ali Haghighi, Mehdi Mohebali, Bahram  Kazemi, Alireza Abadi , Reza Mahdian (2012). Zoonotic visceral leishmaniasis (zvl) is an endemic disease in northwestern iran. Realtime PCR assay is a high sensitivity method. 8th NICOPA, 16-18 October 2012, Kerman, Iran.


74- Behnaz Akhoundi, Mehdi Mohebali, Sepideh Shojaee , Jalali . Bahram  Kazemi., Mojgan Bandehpour, Hossein Keshavarz . Gholamhossein Edrissian, Mohammad Bagher Eslami, Hossein Malekafzali, Charehdar, Ameneh Kouchaki (2012). Preparation of latex agglutination antigen derived from immunodominant proteins of amastigote and promastigote forms of iranian leishmania infantum strain (mcan/ir/07/moheb1-gh.) and evaluation of them for detection of visceral leishmaniasis in human and dog. 8th NICOPA, 16-18 October 2012, Kerman, Iran.



75- Mohammad Reza Mahmoudi , Jahantab, Bahram Kazemi (2012). Detection of two important water born parsites (cryptosporidium & giardia) in raw water samples by usepa1623 and pcr methods. 8th NICOPA, 16-18 October 2012, Kerman, Iran.



76- Ali Moosavi, Ali Haghighi , Nazemalhosseini , Masoud Alebouyeh , Rafiei Sefid Dashti , Hooshang Khazan , Bahram Kazemi, Mohammad Reza Zali (2012). Genetic variability of blastocystis isolated from individuals referred to taleghani hospital (Tehran-Iran). 8th NICOPA, 16-18 October 2012, Kerman, Iran.


77- Soudabeh Heidari , Bahram  Kazemi, Seyyed Javad Seyyed Tabaei, Mojgan Bandehpour , ZarrinTaj Valadkhani (2012). The survey on trichomonas vaginalis virus in tehran trichomonas vaginalis isolates.  8th NICOPA, 16-18 October 2012, Kerman, Iran.



78- Maryam Moradi, behzad HaghPanah, Mojgan Bandehpour, Bahram  Kazemi, Ensieh Davoudabadi, Sanaz Gholami, Kafshdooz-e-Jabari .(2012). Diagnostic value of kit containing echinococcus granulosus recombinant protein b by elisa method in comparison with the euroimmun kit (2012). 8th NICOPA, 16-18 October 2012, Kerman, Iran.


79- Bahram Kazemi (2012). Charactristics of leishmania genome. 8th NICOPA, 16-18 October 2012, Kerman, Iran

80- Hakim Azizi, Bahram Kazemi, Mojgan Bandehpour, Mehdi Mohebali, Ali Khamesipour, Mojgan Aryaipour, Hajar Yaghoobi, Mohammad Bager Rokni (2017).  Modulation of the immune response to DNA vaccine encoding gene of 8-kDa subunit of E.granulosus antigene B using murine IL12 plasmid in balb/c mice. 3rd international and 10th national congresss of parasitology and parasitic disease of Iran. Shiraz, 1-3 November 2017


81- Farideh Tohidi, Bahram Kazemi, Zahra Babaei, Mojgan Bandehpour, Iraj Sharifi, Rabiei M.R, Saedi Dezaki E  (2017). Inhibition of nucleoside transporter 4 gene expression in L.major promastigotes using antisense mRNA in vivo and in vitro. 3rd international and 10th national congresss of parasitology and parasitic disease of Iran. Shiraz, 1-3 November 2017


82- Farideh Tohidi F, Bahram Kazemi, Zahra Babaei, Mojgan Bandehpour, Iraj Sharifi, Rabiei M.R, Saedi Dezaki E (2017). The effect of antisense mRNA on variation nucleoside transporter 3 gene expression in L.major promastigotes in vitro and in vivo. 3rd international and 10th national congresss of parasitology and parasitic disease of Iran. Shiraz, 1-3 November 2017


83- Hooshang Khazan1, Ali Rostami1, Bahram Kazemi, Eshrat Beigom Kia3, Mojgan Bandepour2, Nilofar Taghipour1, Gholamreza Mowlavi3 (2017) .  Prevalence and molecular identificationof trichinella spp. Infection in hunted wild  boars in northern Iran. . 3rd international and 10th national congresss of parasitology and parasitic disease of Iran. Shiraz, 1-3 November 2017



84- Leila Beikmohammadi, Mojgan Bandehpour, Bahram Kazemi (2018).  Generation of Insulin producing-hepatocyte like cells from human wharton'sjelly mesenchymal stem cells by gene transfection and growth factors as an alternative source of islet cells. Translationam immunometabolism. Basel Switzerland , June 24-26 2018


85- Proteomics profile of lsctobscillus casei in acidic condition. The 3rd conference on protein and peptide sciences.Shiraz,  25 and 26 Apri 2018


86- Detection of a Benzoat degradation gene (Box-B) in lactobacillus casei isolated strain in cheese. Iran`s 19th international congress of microbiology. Tehran, 4-6 September 2018


87- Production of functional recombinant human GM-CSF under specific promoter in E.coli. 14th international congeres of immunology and allergy.  Tehran, 26-28 April 2018


88- Design of polyvalent hepatitis vaccine candidate and evaluation of its exvivo stimulation in human dendritic cells. Iran`s 19th international congress of microbiology. Tehran, 4-6 September 2018





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